Question for all group members: What diet (or "Way Of Eating") are you doing, to reach the group goal of "20 Pounds or More Down by June"? Do you vary from day to day, or do you stick to a specific diet? Do you get on the scales every day? Or do you only check once a week? How are you feeling? Hungry? Anxious? Optimistic?…
Lucky 13 (or 14?) weeks to go, before our June challenge date! Can we do it? Yes, We Can!
Hi I'm Fergy (nickname). Too embarrassed to post a real photo. Joined MyFitnessPal today. My current weight as of this morning is 220 1/2 pounds. This is the most I have ever weighed, in my entire life. My height is 5' 5". Basically I look like a beachball. It's embarrassing and ridiculous and unhealthy. I hardly go out of…