Any Keto-ers out there?
This is my second time doing Keto and some like minded friends would be really nice!
Do you actually comment on posts?
Add me! I love talking to all of you lovely people and need more positive, talkative friends!!!!
Hey NYC Ladies!!!!
It takes a strong woman to live here. We walk everywhere and it's either humid as actual hell (I've been, I know) or it's an arctic tundra (like Napoleon would turn TF around). We don't drive to the grocery store, we go to TJs and carry our bags on the train. We live in walk ups. We are beasts! Us strong ladies gotta stick…
Food Food Food!
So I love looking at what everyone else is eating and getting ideas. If you love food and log cool stuff, add me so I can diary stalk you! I'm LCHF, but I'm into all lifestyles!
Any Ketoers our there???
Add me!!!