Tracking food when eating out
Looking for suggestions to help me track meals when eating out which I do 99% of the time. It seems more and more places have nutrition guides but some do not but I go there for other reasons - friends, ambiance, menu, etc. so I will continue to go to these places. Looking for ideas as to how I can still track even when…
High fasting readings
I have historically had high morning sugars (8 - 11) and over the years have not found any sure fire solutions. One of my theories I am testing is the effect of my eating pattern. I traditionally have ate a Mac breakfast (MacDonald's bacon and egg multigrain bagel and black coffee), a dinner of varying sizes and supper…
Creating a healthy lifestyle and managing my diabetes
I have had type 2 diabetes for a number of years but recently, due to it's apparent escalation, have been getting much more serious about managing it. Two primary areas of focus; (1) good food choices, especially portions and (2) being active. Looking for people who will work along with me in this endeavor. Jim