Hi, I stepped on the scale this morning and I've put on 6lb in 3 weeks!!! Absolutely devastated, however recently people have commented how thinner I look and I fit into 3 pairs of trousers that when I was this weight 2 months ago I didn't. Really confused, any idea why I've gained weight but can fit into clothes that were…
Hi all, I'm looking for some Fitbit buddies for the challenges to keep me motivated. My email is victoriaratcliffe@yahoo.co.uk if you'd like to add me :)
Hi, I know that when you diet and exercise that the last area to go is usually the stomach but I wondered if there were any specific exercises to help in this area. Any ideas?
Hi, I'm having difficulty in getting to the allocated calories during the week & wondered if anyone else was having that problem but still losing weight?? My job is field based & getting a healthy lunch is proving tricky and I don't want to make up the deficit in the evening as I'm less active.
Hi, I was steadily losing between 1 & 2lbs a week, then I started exercising on cross trainer & light jogging and whilst I haven't gained any weight, I haven't lost any either for 2 weeks!!! Is this happening to others or ideas why, I'm not eating anymore to congratulate myself for exercising :(