Go ahead and post your favorite date ideas with your guy or gal. Looking for new fun ideas for my boyfriend and I that won't get in the way or compromise our goals. Day and night time ideas welcome :) My idea... Boyfriend and I just recently took a cooking class together on a Friday night. It was so fun playing together in…
Add me if your from California, let's support each other!
Add me if you log daily, let's support each other. My diary is open to friends and I love to motivate those around me.
Do you love picking heavy things up, only to put them back down, so you can pick them right up again!? ME TOO :D Chicks who lift = chicks who I wanna be friends with. Add me if you love the iron.
Okay okay so you don't have to be a sexy jogger ;) I'm looking for new friends, add me if we have any of the following in common: -Daily Loggers -Swimmers -HIIT workout lovers -Macro counters -Pitbull owners -Mountain trekkers -You drink enough water to pee on command every 30min
Looking for advice on how to do more pull-ups/ better pull-ups/ all the pull-ups. It has previously been recommended that I get a bunjy-type cable thingamajiger to assist... and before I commit to that I'd like to hear some pointers that do not require buying new equipment. Some things about me... -On a day where my upper…
These are a few of my fav-or-ite things. Add me if we gots stuffs in common :D
If you care about your macros, I care about you.