Peanut butter addiction
Help, I really can't stop eating the stuff lol, it pairs up nicely with bananas too. Anyone else out there that really likes peanut butter? Any healthy peanut butter recipes and combos???
Finding it confusing to add ingredients to my recipe list.
Can someone help me as I don't ha e a clue what I'm soi g, I love making my own foods but I'm not able to add the exact amount of what I want to use. . . . Any suggestions???
How do you manage when it's that time of the month ladies?
Hi there I'm new to fitness pal and wanted to know how you ladies deal with eating the right foods when its that time of the month? I just started today and feel like the munchies right now lol but holding back. . .help lol.
New here, how do I change my calorie intake?
Do I have to pay for the premium my fitness pal???
The unwanted fat really needs to go.
Good evening all I'm in need of seeing the old happy me again, the new me is not making me feel happy right now as she is overweight, I'm 35 and I need to lose 2 stone before May 11th. . . my deadline, not for a wedding, a cruise, or a holiday but for me. P.s I have already lost 5lbs just need to keep pushing, I know I can…