The weight goal I had set to try to reach by the end of May, I made this morning! It's only May 11! Time to set a new goal! I'm officially 35 pounds down!! :)
Hit the 30 lbs loss mark!! WHOO!! another 15-25ish lbs more to go!!
I am about 1–2 pounds away from the lowest weight I have been in about three years!! Time to get there, and then push past it, and keep losing! :#
Looking for friends that are similar to my current size and similar goals. Looking for females 5'5-5'10 160-200ish If that's you, let's be friends!! :)
Getting a large piece on my arm soon and I'm wondering how much exercise will affect healing? I know to keep it clean and general healing procedures. What about doing cardio and getting really sweaty? Will that affect healing? Should I just try not to sweat? HA Thoughts? Experiences?
I have noticed that my feet especially my toes go numb during cardio. Normally on elliptical/treadmill. Is it just bad circulation? Bad shoes? Should I be concerned? Thanks!!
At my gym they do the body fat % test where you hold the machine out in front of you and it sends the current through your body. About 3 months ago it said my body fat was 30.8% I got it tested again last week and it said 31.5% I have been eating better and working out a lot. I can tell my body is stronger and that there…