You'd be surprised how salt effects your body... Challenge is DON'T EAT SALT and DON'T ADD SALT TO YOUR FOOD..... I use "The Dash Diet" all Misses Dash spices NO SALT.... you'll lose some water weight here also. You'll also see your thirst go down and high blood pressure stabilize. Who's in?
I was wondering if there are any people in Lake County Florida looking for some friends to do some challenges and walking or if you just need somebody to talk to for whatever you are in the world just let me know I'm here and BTW my name is Meredith and 49 years Young and looking forward to this next chapter in my life
Everyday I literally want to RUN.... but when I try I get so winded I STOP. How do runners build up the stamina to just jog? Any advice would be helpful n appreciated.
I know it's a busy world out there and we all like to reach for stuff that is quick and easy!! I challenge people to stop reaching for stuff that is processed... anything that comes in a bag or a box and challenge you to only eat pieces of protein and fruits and vegetables... I know you guys can do this but you can only do…
Does anybody want to join me in this challenge.. it's a water only challenge meaning no drinking of coffee tea milk soda juice or any other form of liquid... just simply WATER. Do it for 1 MONTH... just keep us posted on how you're doing even if you cheat you'll be amazed at what drinking just water can do for you and your…