Chicks with...
Chicks with Beards... Hot or Not? @FabulousFantasticFifty and I both decided we're a HOT.. You decide vote on the pic above you and like or love the others.
It has been....
It has been ____________ (length of time) since _________. Fill in the blanks.
Eldest, middle, baby, only
What child are you; Eldest, Middle, Baby, or Only? Which would you have preferred to be?
Pulled over by a cop
Have you been pulled over by a cop and if so, what for? Speeding, Didn't think I had a seat belt on, and headlight/tail light out
Workouts to substitute in on a 10 lb weight lift restriction
Okay so what would you substitute in for planks, pushups, other bodyweight exercises, and weightlifting exercises using your arms when you're on a 10 lb weight lifting restriction?
Have you?
Have you ever cheated in a serious relationship and if so what were your reasonings behind it? Update: I put this in the chit chat area just to open a discussion and get an idea of people's thoughts on this subject without detriment to anyone. Not the fun and games section, due to trying to get a series of HONEST answers.…
Sweet Dreams
I'm off to bed. Last post: Who do you want to show up in your dreams tonight? Celebrity or MFP member
Recipes from Around the World
Looking for Authentic Recipes passed down in different countries. I'm trying to get a 10 year old to try new things in life as well as being more adventurous myself. If you would like to share. Please include the recipe and what country/religion it comes from.
Low Carb Recipes
Looking for Low Carb Recipes that steer clear of white starches and sugar. If you have pictures that would be great too.
Celebrity Crush
Who is your celeb crush? Only give 1 If in a relationship, who is your hall pass?
Low Glycemic Diets
Is anyone on a Low Glycemic Diet? I've heard this helps if you've been diagnosed with PCOS or have insulin resistance issues. If so, any good recipes and do you have a work out routine?
Low Carb Foods
I'm looking for low carb foods and snacks; what are your favorites?