got diagnosed last year in feb, take metformin 3x a day (recomended by doctor)...all the doctors have said too keep my sugars down, eat healthy, exercise and take my tablets :/ im doing that every single day and i put on more weight then what i lose :/ my weight loss is just like a yo-yo
anyone from northeast UK.....LOOKING FOR MORE FRIENDS :) ADD ME!!
bought some raspberry ketones recommended by a friend. was just wondering if any of you's have tried it and what results you got :)
im eating healthier then i was and im exercising but i still have a constant battle losing weight due too a health problem. any hints or tips would be great, thankyou!
im 21 from northeast UK, need friends too help me lose the weight as half of the time i just wanna give up.
need more friends too get tips etc
im 21, suffer from PCOS and need help losing weight. i lose so much and then i put it back on pretty much straightaway. feel free too add me
im 21, need help too keep me motivated as i struggle losing weight due too health issues.