This gonna come across in the wrong way lol... Got some great friends already having rejoined yesterday and discovered the social element in detail. Mostly girls connected so far though whom are cool and funny and inspiring but would like some guys on timeline to mutually inspire too and talk about manly stuff such as…
Getting some love on my timeline for this little beauty that I did. Macro's love it too. More to follow lol
Got as Xmas present and love the fitness features now started tracking my runs. Find it weirdly motivating to track runs (novelty I guess).
Looking forward to dropping 22lb. Getting into my Nutribullet big time! Add me if you like
Would be great to friend someone my height on the same journey as me. 6'6'' and 118kg Friend me even if not 6'6''
Really excited to have found this app! Looking to slim down for Benidorm in a few months. Look forward to using this.