Feeling like you have a target on your chest. The hateful looks. The disgusted stares. The laughter, mostly from young people but more often than you'd think, from adults. The noises. Pfft! BAH. OMG! LOOK at that. Can you BELIEVE that? The people who stand in groups tittering as you walk by. Those who follow for a while,…
Hi all, I need to begin a regular exercise program and walking seems a good start. Since I seem to injure myself quite easily just walking at the moment I need advice on really good shoes for a heavy gal with wide/long feet. I'm thinking cross trainers (built for carrying heavier weight) or walking shoes (good soles). I…
Hey all, I'm looking for friends to help motivate me and keep my interest focused. I'm terrible for starting and not seeing this through. I hate feeling like I'm the only one on the planet with this goal. I also need to make myself accountable for what I put in my body. You know how that goes. If no one sees me eating this…