LCSt68 Member


  • Good news! Happy there's help around the corner. :)
    in Tiredness Comment by LCSt68 April 2016
  • Peg, I laughed at your "German farm girl" reference. That was awesome. I found out my paternal ancestors were actually German and I live in Germany now, so I may quite literally be descended from a long line of German farm girls. LOL Mystery solved! Humor aside this country really is the Land Of The Big People. I attended…
  • I'm one of the ladies who is never going to be petite. I'm about an inch from six feet, built sturdy and quite strong. I have large hands and feet and broad-ish shoulders. I spent my youth not nearly as heavy as I am now, and actually quite attractive, but the boys around me took one look at my height and build and said…
  • Hi, nice to meet you. Well... small steps, not getting discouraged or giving up... portion control above all... gradually eating more healthy... gradually moving more. There's no real strict food plan I'm going to follow long term. Just eating healthier things and smaller portions. I have to keep this up for the rest of my…
  • Yeah I was going to say maybe sleep apnea if all your tests come back clear. My depression manifested as constant fatigue coupled with occasional bouts of insomnia, up to three days without sleeping. On the fourth day I'd literally fall unconscious. I know the fatigue of which you speak, it's hellish. I had no clue what…
    in Tiredness Comment by LCSt68 April 2016
  • @rob, seriously? I get you're attracted to this person but wow. She needs to work on herself. Badly. ... On the heels of that thought, why is it the people we need the least in our lives are always the most attractive to us.
  • Does anyone else ever forget what? That they're cute? ;) Me. All the time. I'm gonna hang a post-it on my mirror to remind myself more. lol Peg posted a page of body positive mantras the other day I peeked at and they're just wonderful. ( The one that applies to this…
  • :) Peg has one of the sunniest dispositions of all the people I've ever met. :) Simon says: Get a little bit out of your rut, break your normal patterns and do something today you wouldn't normally do, no matter how small. Comment here how it went and how you felt.
  • I did too, it's so cute!
    in Water.. Comment by LCSt68 April 2016
  • I could've written every word of that. It's surreal how much you and I have in common!
  • It does make a difference. I read an article just lately that said if you drink more you'll go to the bathroom more, but only at first. Your body gradually adjusts and the bathroom visits will lessen. (and become more productive? ;) ) I sure hope that's true.
    in Water.. Comment by LCSt68 April 2016
  • I went to bed last night embarrassed by the negative energy I'd brought to the group with this thread and resolved not to make that a habit. However, this is the reality of what some people live each day so I thought it relevant. Although I wouldn't wish it on any of you it makes my load a little lighter knowing I'm not…
    in Fat hate Comment by LCSt68 April 2016
  • I get that too. Constantly. I heard that! Two things I want to add. First, I actually looked that up once when I'd been zinged and was down about it, why people react that way to those who are overweight. I think it was on a psychology site I found a reasonable answer. The article explained that obesity is a disease state,…
    in Fat hate Comment by LCSt68 April 2016
  • I know right? You'd think that'd be obvious. I was complained at once because I had to use the public facilities (not avoidable) and my visit left an odor. Where else is it acceptable to do one's business except there? That's what they're there for. Which combined with your story makes me realize there is nothing you can…
    in Fat hate Comment by LCSt68 April 2016
  • I just looked up how much water I need to drink for my weight in order to be well hydrated. 268 ounces per day. That's 7 liters. Even figuring in liquids from cooking and the water in food, it's very difficult to get in more than 3 liters. This means I go around in a state of constant dehydration, I guess. :-/ Not good. Do…
    in Water.. Comment by LCSt68 April 2016
  • Lisa here. Nice to meet you all. I remember everyone as their profile pic too. :) Laughing at my own at the thought.
  • I finally found a comfortable pair. I know this sounds corny but I'm sort of stunned at my good luck. We went to a local sports outfitter tonight and I found a pair of Skechers that are not only wide they've got that foam sole and feel like walking on a cloud. First time in over a decade I put a pair of shoes on that…
  • I understand that completely. Why do you cling onto the anger? Do you know? I do this too. Cling onto hurts that don't serve me and are years in the past.
  • You just made me BWWAaaahahaAAAa! You're invited to come measure my stride any time you find yourself in the neighborhood. :D
  • Gosh people, heaven sent answers here! Taking notes on all this! I'll look at, Brooks and New Balance. I've never tried the heel/toe gels, I'll look into that as well. Currently I'm wearing a green, men's Converse type generic shoe I bought at a local grocery store for 5€, the unfortunate appearance of which…
  • Thank you for this info! You're right, MFP doesn't seem to be accurate at all. It recommends I take in 2,500+ calories per day to achieve a 2lb loss per week at a sedentary exercise level. The discrepancy is glaring. I'll lower my intake slowly until I see that 2 lb. per week loss begin to happen.
  • It was that low before the med so I don't know what the Metformin is for. Maybe an insurance against my greatly increased body weight. My GP sent me to the specialist because my yearly bloodwork was showing a high fasting worth. Should be less than 100, was first 110 then 115. At 110 he warned me, at 115 he sent me to the…
  • GIRL! You're doing SO GOOD!
  • Highest: 400 lbs. Start: 3/31/16 - 396.4 Current: 395
  • Here here.
  • I haven't yet because I didn't know how. I think it has the potential to be used the wrong way, yes, if that's what someone is determined to do. It could also be good feedback. I think I'll log but stick to my original calorie allotment regardless what extra I'm given - if that's possible. More research needed.
  • I seem to be taking a whole lot more Metformin than everyone else. :-/ 2000mg per day. Also whenever I visit my diabetes doctor for a control, my A1C is 5.something and he calls that wonderful. He never prescribed a machine or told me to test, I asked for that on my own eventually and he was reluctant. He donated me a new…
  • 668 steps, already logged, Bonaparte pulled me most of the way in a wagon. :wink: I <3 this team name! p.s. how are you converting steps into miles? I'll post miles if it's easier.
  • I was under my calorie goal but nutritionally it was a train wreck. I want to avoid famine mode at all costs but I wonder if I need so many calories per day. I mean, the rationale looks sound... I weigh approx. 400 lbs so it'd take around 4,000 calories per day to maintain that. My allotment is much less but I find it easy…