3. Daily nutrition accountability



  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    @BigChangeNeeded stuff happens. We've all been there, the important thing is that you get up brush yourself off and try again tomorrow. This is a process, it takes time to break old habits. Tomorrow will be a better day
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Jenni & Laura: You're human & therefore you, like everyone else here are going to screw up! Have your moment (or hours) of being angry with yourself, vent about it and then do better tomorrow. But don't beat yourself up too much, there are already PLENTY of people in the world ready to do that to you/us...especially concerning food & our bodies! Just forgive yourself & move forward!
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    stayed within my calories , and stayed with in portion control. Good day except for the sickness .. Called off work tomorrow, I think its turning into Bronchitis
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    I was under by 10 calories today haha. I had a weak moment with a taco but those things are so sexy how can you not.
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Busy day yesterday (4/3), so here's the short version. I behaved myself nutritionally.
  • LCSt68
    LCSt68 Posts: 67 Member
    I was under my calorie goal but nutritionally it was a train wreck.

    I want to avoid famine mode at all costs but I wonder if I need so many calories per day. I mean, the rationale looks sound... I weigh approx. 400 lbs so it'd take around 4,000 calories per day to maintain that. My allotment is much less but I find it easy to eat just about anything I want and still be within my goal.

    Also, today is my 5th day logging and I've only lost 1 pound? At my weight I'd expect just moving my body around to generate enough calorie deficit to burn off more than that. My projected sedentary calorie burn for the day without exercise is something like 3,000 calories. Yet nothing is moving like I thought it would. And I've been honest with my logging. Something doesn't seem to be jiving. I expected more loss by now. :-/
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    The calorie deficit needed projections on this site are not very accurate.
    It depends a lot on your health conditions, your age etc which all influence your metabolism. I think MFP by default tells me to eat 1800cal per day. A slimming club once told me to eat 750 calories per day. From past experimentation I know I do best eating between 1000-1500 cal per day depending on activities and appetite.

    here is another site that works it out for you
    this is what it says for me age 35, 292lb, sedentary
    I select sedentary because even though i walk about sometimes I spend most of the day not moving much at all.
    You need 2,501 Calories/day to maintain your weight.
    You need 2,001 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.
    You need 1,501 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week.
    You need 3,001 Calories/day to gain 1 lb per week.
    You need 3,501 Calories/day to gain 2 lb per week.

    this is what it says if I change my stats to age 47, 397lb, sedentary
    You need 2,943 Calories/day to maintain your weight.
    You need 2,443 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.
    You need 1,943 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week.
    You need 3,443 Calories/day to gain 1 lb per week.
    You need 3,943 Calories/day to gain 2 lb per week.

    So looking at that 3000cal per day would not lead to much weight loss. Really only a nutritionist or dietitian who knows your exact health can give an accurate answer. All internet sites will only give estimates based on whichever standardised formula they select to use.

    1lb loss is still better than a gain, it is still a loss. You might be able to lose more if eat fewer calories but only you can decide what is right for you. If you lost 1lb every week that still all adds up over time. Maybe gradually lower it over several weeks to 2000 calories and see how you feel, if it feels sustainable or not. You know your body better than anyone else.
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    Despite my mental wobble, I'm back. Thanks everyone for your kind words. I was feeling overly sensitive yesterday, and should have just taken some time to chill out. I know how I should react when I get angry or upset, but putting it into practice is much easier said than done!
    I guess I hit a bump in the road and didn't cope well, but I woke up this morning feeling a little better than I did yesterday.
    I decided to weigh myself after all. I'll be weighed again tonight at my weight loss class, so I didn't see any point avoiding it. Despite the sugar binge last night, I somehow managed to lose 3lbs for the week. I'm glad last night didn't spoil the hard work I'd put in during the week, and I knew when I woke up this morning that I couldn't throw away three months of work. This is the longest I've stuck with a diet for quite some time, and I can't quit now. Besides, I've told everyone I know that I'm trying to be healthy, so I'll be letting people other than myself down.

    I'm going to try and make smarter choices today. Sensible breakfast, sensible lunch, sensible dinner. That's the target.
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    @BigChangeNeeded I'm glad you woke up feeling better this morning! Here's to a better day :)

    Yesterday was good calorie wise. I need to work on upping my veggies/fruits.
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    haven't been active in this group over the weekend.. weekends are hard as we do alot of errands and getting things done around the house.. my food wasn't perfect but it was better than it had been in the past on the weekend... today is planned and should be on point... have a great day..
  • Klipsan
    Klipsan Posts: 107 Member
    I'm on plan and planning to stay that way.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    All is well today, I have thrown out all remaining temptations from my cupboards.
    Back on track
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Despite my mental wobble, I'm back. Thanks everyone for your kind words. I was feeling overly sensitive yesterday, and should have just taken some time to chill out. I know how I should react when I get angry or upset, but putting it into practice is much easier said than done!
    I guess I hit a bump in the road and didn't cope well, but I woke up this morning feeling a little better than I did yesterday.
    I decided to weigh myself after all. I'll be weighed again tonight at my weight loss class, so I didn't see any point avoiding it. Despite the sugar binge last night, I somehow managed to lose 3lbs for the week. I'm glad last night didn't spoil the hard work I'd put in during the week, and I knew when I woke up this morning that I couldn't throw away three months of work. This is the longest I've stuck with a diet for quite some time, and I can't quit now. Besides, I've told everyone I know that I'm trying to be healthy, so I'll be letting people other than myself down.

    I'm going to try and make smarter choices today. Sensible breakfast, sensible lunch, sensible dinner. That's the target.

    Hang in there, BigChange! One step, one breath, at a time. You can do this!
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Did good nutrition wise .. Happy happy happy
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    Turns out my migraine was actually a sinus infection, so I've been ill since Friday :( and I've been comfort eating including lots of chocolate. Got antibiotics now and should be back at work on Wednesday and back on track.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    Turns out my migraine was actually a sinus infection, so I've been ill since Friday :( and I've been comfort eating including lots of chocolate. Got antibiotics now and should be back at work on Wednesday and back on track.

    I hope the antibiotics work fast for you and you feel better soon , hugs
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    I blew it over the weekend--about 10k calories each day & gained 5 pounds.
    Hopefully back on track today (Monday) and so far seem to be.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I blew it over the weekend--about 10k calories each day & gained 5 pounds.
    Hopefully back on track today (Monday) and so far seem to be.

    I once logged a binge on mfp out of curiosity and it was over 20'000 calories, I can easily eat 10'000 calories a day so I sympathise. Trying to eat normal human size amounts of food in actual spaced out meals is a challenge.
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    I've never been brave enough to log a binge.... I can't even imagine what it'd be :|

    Today was good. Stayed under calorie limit & got in a bit more fruits & veggies than normal. So overall, I'm good. :)
  • 1cand0it2
    1cand0it2 Posts: 169 Member
    stayed under today, so-so on nutrition. I had asparagus soup, packed with veggies, and protein bars, but also strawberry pie. My daily chocolate is a requirement (85% dark), I'll pretend it's because I need the iron! Need more fruits and veggies.
  • jesscoll317
    jesscoll317 Posts: 85 Member
    You guys are all so great about nutrition. I'm not there yet -- just staying under on calories but managing to eat my normal foods in smaller quantities. Maybe I'm a little scared.
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    About 1200 calories today. Trying to eat super clean, as it's a rest day.
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Not the best day nutritionally, but was way below cal. goal. I've been busy prepping for b/f's surgery tomorrow & I really had to push to get enough calories to avoid that rude (but correct) MFP close-out pop-up that chastises you for being below minimum acceptable calories...hopefully I'll get more fruit & veg in tomorrow
  • LCSt68
    LCSt68 Posts: 67 Member
    The calorie deficit needed projections on this site are not very accurate.
    It depends a lot on your health conditions, your age etc which all influence your metabolism. I think MFP by default tells me to eat 1800cal per day. A slimming club once told me to eat 750 calories per day. From past experimentation I know I do best eating between 1000-1500 cal per day depending on activities and appetite.

    here is another site that works it out for you
    this is what it says for me age 35, 292lb, sedentary
    I select sedentary because even though i walk about sometimes I spend most of the day not moving much at all.
    You need 2,501 Calories/day to maintain your weight.
    You need 2,001 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.
    You need 1,501 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week.
    You need 3,001 Calories/day to gain 1 lb per week.
    You need 3,501 Calories/day to gain 2 lb per week.

    this is what it says if I change my stats to age 47, 397lb, sedentary
    You need 2,943 Calories/day to maintain your weight.
    You need 2,443 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.
    You need 1,943 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week.
    You need 3,443 Calories/day to gain 1 lb per week.
    You need 3,943 Calories/day to gain 2 lb per week.

    So looking at that 3000cal per day would not lead to much weight loss. Really only a nutritionist or dietitian who knows your exact health can give an accurate answer. All internet sites will only give estimates based on whichever standardised formula they select to use.

    1lb loss is still better than a gain, it is still a loss. You might be able to lose more if eat fewer calories but only you can decide what is right for you. If you lost 1lb every week that still all adds up over time. Maybe gradually lower it over several weeks to 2000 calories and see how you feel, if it feels sustainable or not. You know your body better than anyone else.

    Thank you for this info! You're right, MFP doesn't seem to be accurate at all. It recommends I take in 2,500+ calories per day to achieve a 2lb loss per week at a sedentary exercise level. The discrepancy is glaring. I'll lower my intake slowly until I see that 2 lb. per week loss begin to happen.
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    My check in yesterday ended up inaccurate. .. had a late night snack and ended a bit over but nothing too crazy.
    Today was a good day. Lots of fruit and managed to fit in some rissotto while staying under calorie.
  • lungs59
    lungs59 Posts: 50 Member
    katdanash wrote: »
    lungs59 wrote: »
    katdanash wrote: »
    I skipped breakfast opted only for coffee, bad idea , only had yogurt with granola for lunch , chicken sandwich for dinner and will have some strawberries later . but I have barely used half my calories . I have just found out in the 14th of March that I am fully diabetic now. Find a balance for breakfast is hard . trying to limit the carbs I eat . my gobto was a price of taost with strawberry preserves . don't get up in time to do eggs and can't do them everyday .. Low carb, sucks for me .

    Hey Kat! There are soooooooo many choices for low carb, I get the coffee for breakfast I am really bad at that and I was not a big egg fan and still not all that thrilled with them unless they are cleverly disguised (BTW you can scramble eggs ahead of time and keep in fridge for a couple of days and warm up in microwave, I do this for work now sometimes) I am also not good at the whole breakfast thing and still struggle with that meal sometimes......but don't give up! It gets easier I promise! There is a bit of a learning curve because it goes kinda against what we have always been taught with normal dieting. When I was working day shift and had to pack a breakfast I found Dannon light and fit greek yogurt (strawberry cheesecake, VERY YUMMY and I do not care for yogurt either) has only 9 grams of carbs and also had some string cheese either 0 or 1 carb depending on type of cheese. That would hold me for a couple of hours if I needed a snack before lunch pork rinds are 0 carbs and Jack links meat sticks have 2 carbs, there are some other brands that have less.

    When I first started low carb I felt like I was eating so much (I didn't even feel like I was on a diet) but it slows way down, you stop snacking in between meals because your not hungry. Your portion size starts dropping down to probably what is a normal portion just because you don't need as much to get full. I have hungry days, they seem to come in spurts of a couple of days at a time then they seem to go away and i am good again. There are so many choices out there just not things that your probably use to going and grabbing. Try and google some and research a little I bet you will be surprised. Oh and believe it or not you do kinda lose your taste for bread, pasta and potatoes after a while.

    Let me know if you would like any suggestions for snacks or food, I will try to help you out I know its hard in the beginning

    Thank you. I really appreciate any help. i really want to figure this out.
    Breakfast tomorrow is : scrambled egg with spinach and 1 tablespoon of cheddar cheese,
    Lunch is a salad with , romaine , spinach, chicken, cherry tomatoes, red onion, feta cheese and lowfat italian dressing . serving of cottage cheese topped with 1/2 half of a pineapple cup ( canned in own juice ) . baked cod fish , steamed veggies not sure what or if anything else yet. Snacks are planned as well . small apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter .
    How that meal plan sound to you ?

    sounds like a good start! I love fish! Watch the low fat stuff though I have found that they tend to replace the fat with sugar (carbs) so sometimes it is better to go with the normal fat stuff.
  • lungs59
    lungs59 Posts: 50 Member
    Busy over the weekend it was my parents 51st wedding anniversary and we took them to Malibar Farm (where Bogie and Bacall secretly got married). They have a fantastic Inn there and it is my husbands and my favorite special place to go. So we splurged and split a dessert but other than that I have stayed on track. Kinda a bummer with being so close to a self made deadline but I will have to live with it. I also ignored the scales yesterday and today.
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    food was on point yesterday... today is prepped and logged... trying really hard to stay on track
  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    I was far over the last couple days. Now I'm going back to my 1500 calories.
  • Klipsan
    Klipsan Posts: 107 Member
    I'm on plan and planning to stay that way. :)