Hey all . Been using Oxyshred stacked with the Alcar by EHP Labs for the past couple months and have been really happy with results. The thing is I live in the UK where it is not available so Ive been ordering it online which can be quite pricey seeing as it comes from Australia. Is anyone farmiliar with this product…
Hey all ☺ Any suggestions on some good 30/40 min youtube workouts to follow regularly with basic dumbbells at home that focus on biceps,triceps and general arm toning. Cheers!
Good Morning :) Would anyone know of a website I can order Musclewerks Dfine-8 preworkout that delivers to UK? I'm after the original one not the zero. Found some on Amazon but am definately not paying almost £120($240) for something I usually pay around $50/$60 for. Or anyone in UK know of a product that is very similar?…
Hi all! :) Looking for any tips on toning/leaning up, gaining muscle and any at home core workouts for a flatter stomach and more defined arms. In the process of ordering some Dfine8 as a preworkout drink but any other suggestions would be great!