is there anyway to get rid of a chubby face..?
Wana make a veggie stir fry this weekend. curious as to whats the best sauce to use in it that i can get at a general grocery store also whats the best veggies ?
I use to dread going to the gym and sometimes i still have my days but 95% of the time im actually excited to go. Ive seen results and even when i didnt see results just going made me feel better because i was atleast trying. No more excuses unless i dont have the gas lol and its like 7 minutes away from me so yea... i…
do they work? i never feel anything after i use one. and i usually do like 3 Miles on them...
Does anyone else avoid scales and go by how well your clothes fit instead? for example i hate seeing a number on a scale so instead i go by if my clothes that normally fit snug/tight are now fitting lose that im actually losing weight and its less stressful to me. This is just me just wondering if anyone can relate.
any other vegans know some good vegan ways to make macaroni and cheese lol and nachos.
i personally have went full vegan for about 5 months now. vegetarian for about 3 years. i went from 395 pounds to 294 in a year by cutting back on fast foods and not eating any meat not even fish. i had to cleanse my body. i lost this weight not even excersing. just from cutting away sweets and meat and replacing it with…
just do it. i get so pumped when i walk into the gym. im like ok time to do this. i even make it competitive. for example: when im running on the treadmill and someone else comes and runs beside me i tell myself "im gonna outrun this person" they dont know im competing but i run and run and run until they run out of breath…
for a year i thought i was 280 i was actually 250 lol. i hate scales. i like to go by clothes size. so if a size XL was too small before but now i can fit it then im def losing weight. a number kills it for many. oh im rylie btw lol