How do you manage to keep your butt from getting smaller while losing weight? I noticed today that my butt has gotten smaller and I just can't have that happen, pleaseee help. I don't know much about this kind of stuff
I've gained 2 1/2 pounds after being on a calorie deficit for 2 weeks and losing weight until about 3 days ago and I'm pretty sure it's because my body is retaining water because my stomach looks and feels "puffy", and I noticed yesterday that my face is starting to get puffy looking as well. My question is How do you lose…
I had my daughter a little over a year ago via emergency C section. I never thought it would happen to me, but it did. I'm having a hard time actually talking to someone that has gotten a nice, flat body after recovering from a C section. I'm looking to see if it's actually possible to have a flat stomach again, without…