I've lost almost 60# and want to lose 25 more. I have been stuck at he same weight for the last few months. Any ideas how to bust this plateau. I am very active physically but I am wondering if I should shoot for 1000 exercise calories daily with a 1500 intake
I have been having problem with knee pain when i do long runs. I I run over 8 miles my right knee starts to ache. It will last for 6 to 8 hours after the run and then go away. It does not happen on shorter runs no matter what intensity. any thoughts?
As a Christmas present to myself I just go a pair of Saucony Rind 9 running shoes. I looking forward to testing them out. Has anyone had experience with them?
I have been training on my own for the past 6 months I have run 3 5K's and a 5 mile Turkey Trot. I just had a session with a wonderful running coach to help me take things to the nest level. I should have done it sooner! She taught me several things in just one lesson. I plan to do more training with her and am seriously…