Just looking for a great after workout bar any suggestions besides quest. Looking for not alot of sugar and good protein not worried about calories . Thabks
Just looking for some different ideas to reach my goal is need 42.5 grams of carbs and protein. According to the formula that I seen. Just wanted to kno some things that you guys may eat.
Hey there I'm just asking a quick question about foods I should or could eat to mix it up a bit. On cardio days what should I be eating for lunch and weight lifting days what should I eat for lunch, any suggestions. Thanks
Hey there, I weighed 290lbs at 2 and a half years ago now I'm 180lbs been doing some strength training also cardio 3 x a week just mix it up but I'm trying to gain some healthy weight since I've been doing really well eating 5 -6 times a day about 2500 to 2900 cals a day but I can't seem to put too much on an ounce here or…