Hello, I often eat almonds as a snack,usually 10 or 20 at a time. I have found varying accounts both here and on the wider Web of how many calories almonds have and was wondering what fellow almond eaters would count for 20 almonds? (I know many people insist on weighing,but I am happy counting nuts!) Thanks in advance:)
Hello,I had my son 6 weeks ago and am trying to get my head around how many calories I should eat.I am currently losing about half a kilogram a week (after losing 10kgs in the week following birth) I walk 5kms,5x a week with the double pram.Birthing injuries mean I can't run/do weights until things have healed so I am just…
Hello,I have a 2 weeks old son and am exclusively breastfeeding.I gained 20kgs during pregnancy and lost 10kgs in thr first week.I feel like all I am doing is feeding him and am having some issues so my midwife has said I should focus on rehabilitation rather than the exercise I have planned (I have already joined a gym…