Those of you pursuing endurance sports may appreciate this podcast, where they talk about exercise Vs training. I've been doing this stuff for decades and still have a lot to learn. (I have no relationship with either of these speakers, Rich Roll and Chris Hauth)…
Any thoughts about this jogger's running form?
I've just noticed my Garmin Fenix 3 HR (Great value on Amazon, BTW) includes a VO2max calculator and a Race Predictor, based on this VO2max. My suggested race times are not crazy, but pretty optimistic. Anyone else have this feature? I'm curious about your experience.
I'm not one for making resolutions, but I remember Jack LaLanne said he would always revamp his workout program to keep it fresh. In 2017, I decided to do pushups. Every day this year, I've done the date (e.g., today is 22+12). It's not a massive amount, but I've stuck to it and I'm thinking about what to add in for 2018.…
I'm going to have to build one of these!