I've made it through the holidays and have actually lost 0.3lbs and am the lowest I've been since I was a teenager! I've been at this since August 2014 at about 230 lbs but below is a little progress photo since June 2016 when I was 193.9 lbs to today at 171.6 lbs. This year I'll be working to lose my last 20 lbs and start…
Losing weight is taking a step back from your current lifestyle and realizing you need a change. It's throwing out yours and others ideas about dieting and exercising and rearranging your life. Making time in your day to move around in this world, even if it's just a daily walk. Giving up your dependence on food, but…
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has been attending any sports/classes that have helped them lose weight? The gym isn't really my thing as it is very crowded and I enjoy a workout that I can really get intense with and get sweating, but at the gym I feel cramped and gross. I used to play hockey for 18 years, but…