Does anyone have any "tips and tricks" to reduce bloating in the stomach area? (Preferably a home remedy but anything will do) Thanks!
I've been doing this for almost 3 weeks now and still haven't seen any results. I've been eating the needed calorie amount, sometimes a little less. I have been working out about 4-5 times a week and mainly only drinking water. Why am I not seeing any results? In my opinion, I look even fatter than I was before. Help?
Its hard for me to eat healthy when im not the one who buys the groceries for the house hold. I do drink lots of water but I'm still not seeing the results I want (a flat stomach and biggee butt/thighs). Any advice for what to eat to help me obtain that and should I drink something other than water? Occasionally I'll drink…
I want to lose the fat in my stomach but still have a butt! What should I do?
I want to gain more muscle in my legs and get a bigger butt. I dont have access to a gym right now and I have tried squats but theu just dont work for me. Maybe I'm just not doing enough of them. Any recommendations on what exercises I should do?