Hey guys, so I thought it would help maybe with motivation and also accountability if we listed our workout plan(s) for the next 6 weeks, and also our calorie-macro structure and what we are going to be aiming form. It will be really cool to see what everyone is really working with behind the scenes, and also share some…
hey guys so I been pretty active on here so I wanna share a little about my journey, ill be brief cause no one likes a long read! so, april 2015 started out at 240/250 lbs and over 35% bf. felt unhealthy, looked like crap, needed a change. fast forward to today may 19th 2016 im 189.5 and 16% bf. it took me up until last…
anyone in FL stop by and say WHATS UPP
So I've been using this little bugger for a while and never got really active in the community till today! can't wait to learn some more health and weight loss tips and also share some of my experience as well! ITS MONDAY SO LET'S GET IT PEOPLE! :D