Crop Circles
I was watching a show on Destination America Channel the other day in regards to crop circles. I noticed that some of those crop circles have also appeared in people's homes that were haunted. I made the connection and I believe that it's definitely not aliens that have created these intricate crop circles! The proof is…
Tools of the trade
Here are two items that I use daily either because its zero calorie or very low calorie. First is 0 calorie flavored water they taste amazing and being carbonated satisfies that need for carbonation. Second is Almond milk at only 30 calories per 8 oz serving.
The Ghost of Shepherds TOWN
I'm watching this new show titled " the ghost of shepherds town" it's crazy that it's happening like all over town and so frequently. Anybody else watching this on Destination America Channel it's creepy
Life as a Superhero
Cause everyone needs a hero!!!!!
New to fitness pal
New member from Rhode Island Looking forward to getting lean for the summer.
New to the community
Just wanted to say hello to everyone, I'm new here from Rhode Island. Just working on getting lean for the beach