So here is a water intake challenge. I have always been bad with keeping up with drinking enough water so I decided to make it a challenge. Since I really don't think I am the only one. I found this on the web I dunno if it is accurate but at least its something to go off of which makes sense. If anyone finds a calculation…
I have used this app on and off and only recently came back on but dunno how to add friends to help keep me motivate and for me to help motivate them.
So whoever wants to join in the challenge is to lose at least 10lbs before Jan 1st, 2017. You don't have to log your weight if you don't want to but motivate others to get to the goal and let us know how much you progressed. If you lose more than 10lbs kudos to you for a healthier life.
Alright so I am like a morning glory/weekend warrior. I constantly start and stop like a roller coaster ride trying to lose weight. So I am hoping to stay on path and head in the right direction. I wish everyone the best on being healthier and leaner. Heres to us!!! We can do it.