Does anybody else use the Hidrate Spark 2.0 bottle? I love mine!!! I'm already drinking more water than usual!
This is for anyone who wants to do the Whole30 reset starting January 1, 2018. This is an elimination diet, designed to give your body a reset and help you determine what's good and not so good for you. It's a diet that recognizes you're an individual, and your results will be unique to you. Hope to see you all in…
Do you still get the same health benefits from apple cider vinegar if you drink it with juice. I've tried diluting it with water, and doing a water and honey drink with it, but it just tastes horrible. Suggestions. Also, can you drink it before going to bed instead of throughout the day?
Hello I'm looking for realistic ways to lose weight. My fiance and I work completely opposite schedules, and at work we aren't guaranteed to be able to eat lunch. So what do y'all Do? What types of meals do you eat on the go? How do you find time to exercise everyday?