Is it just me or is it really an issue that our African American households grow up eating big meals all the time. Its what we know especially being from the south. A standard meal consist of a meat, two or three sides, and either cornbeard, biscuit or bread slice. Drink sweet tea and kool-aid. Don't let it be Sunday…
Question 1: When it comes to the gym how long do you all spend in the gym. I am thinking of going at least 4 times a week for at least 1 hour. Question 2: What are some good gym exercises for losing belly fat, slimming arms and lifting butt?
I feel like I am lacking the motivation and the dedication to lose weight but it is detrimental that I lose at least 60lbs. I know 60 sounds like a lot but I am 5'5 232lbs. I get comfortable with feeling ok in my own skin. I still feel attractive and I dont feel "unhealthy" however being the size I am and knowing there is…