Call me crazy...but the mirrors on one wall in my gym make me look fatter than the rest of the mirrors in the gym.
Anyone ever use kinesiology tape on bruises from an injury? I crashed my bike Saturday. Bruising and soreness is worse today. Wondering if KT tape will help with bruising since it's designed to lift skin and encourage healing with better blood circulation.
Holy crap. We just had a strong earthquake! In the Napa Valkey!
Longterm study of a large group of men found the unfit participants with lowest VO2 max had a 42% higher risk of early death than the most fit group in the study.…
Bought a juicer a few months ago. Drank way too much carrot juice and turned into an Oompa Loompa. Laid off it for a few weeks until my skin color normalized. Started drinking 8 - 10 carrot juice every morning a few weeks ago. My palms are starting to turn orange again. Does anyone know the amount of carrot juice per day…
I finally changed that internal conversation... you know that non-stop chatter you have in your head. Negotiate then renegotiate with yourself how many reps on heavy squat; how many flights to climb on the stairmill. That voice giving you a dozen reasons why you can blow off the next set. You look at your journal and you…
There's no cycling option on this model. I'm a tech dummy, but I'm assuming since its GPS it will track my distance while riding--yes? I don't care about pace. Just want to know my ride distance.
Been a runner & road biker for years. Recently got a mountain bike and riding it on relatively flat trails as I learn how to transition from road to trails. This evening I was introduced to the perils of the goathead thorn. Even if I had a patch kit and pump, it wouldn't have helped since both tires were studded with thorn…