For those of you who eat oatmeal, what do you add to it that's healthy and delicious?
Anytime I do my ab workout my lower back hurts and I can't really feel my abs being targeted. I've made sure I have proper form, so I don't really know what to do :/
At the end of everyday, my calorie tracker says I still have 600-800 or so available. It says I need to eat more, but I do eat when I'm hungry, I just get full really quick. What do I do?
So I always here about people going for morning or evening jogs, and it got me thinking, "When is the best time to work out?" Should I just do it when I'm feeling the most energetic?
I'm wanting some friends to simply talk to about progress, keep each other motivated.
I'm 5ft 6 and weigh 121 lbs. I'm already pretty skinny, so I am looking to build muscle. The only area giving me issues are my abdominal muscles. It seems like no matter what I do I can't get rid of that little belly pooch to uncover my abs. Any tips or personal experiences?