Looking for motivated people to add
Hi guys, I'm looking for people to add who are really motivated and keep me motivated in my quest to lose another 10-20lbs ;-) I've lost 40lbs in the last year and hope to continue with this streak
In need of ideas & motivation
Hi, I had been doing quite well for about two months and then injured myself badly a few weeks ago. I love to work out but right now it's an absolute 'no go' which resulted in emotional/bad eating habits returning again. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how to keep my hands off food till I'm cleared to do light…
Looking for support & buddy's
Hi, I'm Jazz, 23 years young, 5"4' small and have to get rid off 20-25 pounds. I've managed to lose 10 pounds since April.. It's been a rollercoaster ride. I feel like i need more support and motivation from others to keep my hands off snacks ;) I'm great at motivating other's and kicking their butt... but that…