Simultaneously Gaining and Losing?
Hi! I just downloaded this app today and I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a good macronutrient ratio for gaining muscle while still losing fat? (if that's possible) I recently lost 80 lbs within less than a year (from august 2015 - may 2016). From 175 lbs, I am now 95 lbs. Now, I want to build more muscle. I'm doing…
Simultaneously Gaining and Losing?
Hi! I just downloaded this app today and I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a good macronutrient ratio for gaining muscle while still losing fat? (if that's possible) I recently lost 80 lbs within less than a year (from august 2015 - may 2016). Now, I want to build more muscle, i'm doing 2 hours of strength training a…
Simultaneously gaining and losing?
Hi! I just downloaded this app today and I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a good macronutrient ratio for gaining muscle while still losing fat? (if that's possible) I recently lost 80 lbs within less than a year (from august 2015 - may 2016). Now, I want to build more muscle, I'm doing strength training for 2 hours a…