Similar Workouts to Farmer Walk/Carry
Hello MFP fitness freaks! I was just curious if anyone had any workouts in a similar vein as the farmer walk/carry?
Back on the Wagon
Hello MFP folks! Haven't used the app in awhile (new job, got married, etc.), but I'm officially back. Why? Well, I got a new job last December. Long story short: went from a manual labor position to a desk job. This was right after I had gotten down to about 245. Then I gained some back with the job switch. But, got…
Fellow nerds unite: Star Wars edition
Anyone else super pumped for Rogue One?
Shenanigans abound while we drop a few pounds
Hey kids. Hadn't used the app in awhile and my friendlist disappeared! Looking to add some more peeps who are very motivated to lose weight but also honest with themselves while always having fun. I know that's a narrow list of peeps, but come join in my little journey and let's get skinny!
Be my friend while I drop pounds for my wedding!
Hello everyone! Nice to back back on MFP and counting calories again and I need some friends I can encourage and maybe give some pep talk back. Just a quick summary of my weight: Was always the chubby kid, and on top of that I played football in high school so I was eating outrageous amounts. Graduated in 2008 weighing…