Need some new friends for motivation and all that jazz.
If anyone wants to add me it would be awesome for motivation and to help motivate. Hw 299 Cw 215 Gw 145
Social anxiety and depression.
I suffer from bpd, panic disorder, gad, as well as depression. So it's hard for me to stay motivated and it limits what I can do to work out. (Social anxiety is huge for me) I'm starting to really hate myself and how I look/how much I've gained. Any advice or friends going through the same would be awesome. This is my…
Help keeping motivated
I am down to 224 from 230 and I really need some help staying motivated. I really want to loose weight, my anxiety and depression are getting worse and I feel worse and worse about myself every day. It's time for a change. Ive also recently quit smoking 4 months ago and gained alot from that.