Holiday Trim week 2
So, week one didn't go as planned, but I managed to log a couple of calories of cardio. I made a plan for myself so I can become better at it. Can't wait for the heat to come so I can run, but until then I'll be doing taebo. It is the best go to in home work out. Thanks billy blanks!!!
Holiday Trim week 1
How is everyone's week going? I haven't been able to workout yet b/c I'm having issues with my knees and feet. I'm gonna try and log me some cardio calories doing a lighter workout than running. Maybe some tae-bo.
Completing your food diary
Does anyone have trouble completing their food diary? I do sometimes, but when I get on a roll it's pretty easy to get into good habit. One way it became easy for me is using the barcode. I eat on the go a lot, so scanning the barcode made things so simple for me. Anyone else have tips to keep up with the diary?
Holiday Trim
So you've put on some holiday pounds. Let's work together to get them off. Goal: Log 300 cardio carlories 3x's a week for the month of January.
WolfP.A.C. For Weightliss
I've been on MFP for years. Decided to start a group to make the journey more fun. Anyone here that wants to join us. We do event monthly, have discussion, and most of all support and encourage members. Look us up WolfP.A.C. for Weightloss.