Does anyone else find themselves eating things in combinations that they never would have considered before this journey? One of my favourite things to eat now is avocado and honey on toast; it gets healthy fats, protein and sugar in one hit and tastes delicious but most people seem to think it's super weird haha! Share…
I'm considering going vego, but right now one of my go-to quick and filling meals is tinned tuna and avocado on toast. Does anyone have any ideas for something that would be able to replace the tuna that also requires no cooking?
Last May I ran a 12k that I'd been training for for around a year, and then promptly stopped running like a week later because I'd hit my goal. I've just started to get back into it, and am currently able to do around 4k, with about a quarter walking (which for me takes about half an hour). I'm wondering what the best…