Are fat burning pills for me?
Does anyone supplement their diet with any fat burning pills? I've been looking at a vegan green tea supplement. Are they any good?
How often do you weight yourself?
Every day? Every week? I feel like I'll get anxious waiting a whole week. I'm an impatient person
Day off = eat everything in sight!
It's my day off and this is usually when I break a diet. How to you keep yourself from sitting on the couch and not reaching for your bf's cheetos that he's hidden in the top shelf of the cabinet and he thinks you don't know it's there?!
Haaaave you met me?
Hi! Would love to say I'm new but I can't, cause I'm not unfortunately. Had a health problem that set me back but I'm ready to get back on track! I'm Vanessa
Removed all the bad food from home - DONE
But now I have a stomach ache