Friends and support!
Hey there! I’m looking for new friends and support to help me through a really tough part of my life! People to talk to message and support! I can help and support you with your fitness goals or anything you would like to talk about and need support with!
Leg building excercises
Say what does everyone do for leg building excerises? Excluding squats and leg presses. I don’t have a leg press machine yet for my gym and I need to workout some bad pain in behind me knee before I can do squats again
Bodybuilding and strength training friends
Looking for bodybuilding and strength training friends for motivation and support
Looking for friends and support
Hi just looking for motivation and support to help me reach my goal I’m trying to cut down to sub 10% maybe even go for 5% something I’ve never been able to accomplish then once I hit that goal plan to clean bulk maximize lean mass gains and minimize fat gains as much as possible. Friend me if you have similar goals or if…