I'm back
Hello lovelies. So I tried this a few months ago but it wasn't to be. But now I'm back and more determined than ever. I'm getting married in August and need to shed a little blubber and get back to a leaner me that I once was.
Favourite flavour combinations?
Got asked this at work the other night. Mine had to be garlic and butter My work mates was peanut butter and chocolate
Healthier dining out?
Just curious where would be the best type of restaraunt to go for a good selection of healthier food? I was thinking tai?
Dining out
I'm already getting nervous about fridays plans. I'm supposed to be going out for breakfast in the morning and then an evening 3course meal. And now worrying about controlling my eating.... is saving a few extra calories in the week an actual thing?
Toning after/during weight loss
SO I've lost weight before but have never really toned up and builthe muscle to the extent I would like. Now I'm finally back on the fitness band wagon I'd like to go all in his time. Any tips or ways to start
Introducing moi :D
Hi guys :) how's everyone doing? I'm Abi, struggled with my weight since my teens and successfully lost 5stone but over the last two years I've gotten into a relationship and slowly put on 2 stone and seem to be stuck. Am now finally in the right frame of mind to kick this back into action!