I've just learned about glute activation not long ago and of some stretches and exercises that are suppose to help to wake them up before doing glute intensive exercises. Most of the time I'm feeling the burn where my glutes and hamstrings meet, so it's difficult to know which one it is exactly. I never really feel it,…
Yesterday was the last day of my cut, and now I want to start bulking up again in my lower body but with added muscle. I mainly want to build stronger glutes and thighs. Basically, I'm asking where to go from here and I know it's not as simple as just gorging myself without keeping track of calories. I already have my…
I guess I'd be considered an ectomorph with a bit of extra muscle and lean everywhere on my body except for my lower back. I have this stubborn accumulation of fat directly above my glutes that I want to get rid of. I'm also trying to get more shapely glutes. I think I'm starting to thin out there, but sometimes it's hard…