So this morning I was packing gym bag for a workout later (if I feel well enough, I've been sick for the past two days,) and my husband made the comment of "...So what? You've only been going for a week. Talk to me when you've been going for 365 days." What?! Okay, I'm sorry. How hurtful. I'm trying to change myself, and…
Are there any nerdy people here playing WoW? :smile:
After completing my food intake for yesterday, it told me that I was undereating. However, I'm not hungry. Should I just eat more anyways, so I can get my calories in or just eat when I'm hungry?
I knew it was time to change when I looked at a soda and fast food and lost my appetite. Looking at the fake food just makes my stomach turn. So, when did you know it was time to change?
I've always been a big girl, but the past two years I've really let myself go. 213 lbs, this is my heaviest weight and I'm so ashamed. I'm tired of eating bad, and tired of feeling bad. For goodness sakes, I'm only 24; my body shouldn't ache like someone in their 60's (no offense.) I've gotten to the point that I only have…