Hey yall I'm on a mission to get under 200 pounds by the end 2017 and I know I can do it as I've done it before and when I did I felt really good about my self and now I just feel so ugly and really want that change so i can feel good about myself again. My goal weight that I would like to be at the end of 2017 is 155-160…
I'm looking for feed back about Jenny Craig and I was wondering if anyone has tried there program I have a meeting with them on Monday I'm looking for other ways to help with my weight loss goals that I would like to meet by the end of the year.Please feel free to add me as a friend or message me as well.
I would like to find some friends who use snap chat so we can all chat with each other on our goals or even if we just need some support while we work on our weight loss journeys. My goal is losing 80 pounds by the end of the year.
Hey yall I will be restarting my Weight Loss Journey as I have Changed Gyms and will have a lot more to do with all my workouts including adding swimming and my gym has an indoor swimming pool that I can use. I've been wanting to get into shape and get back to a healthy weight and get my weight down below 200 pounds for…
Please help my Motivation is slipping away and I need to change that now if I'm going to meet my goal by the end of the year. I have a meeting in Monday with Jenny a Craig to see if they can help me choose the right foods and etc, I'm changing gym next month and also hope that will help as well I'm going from Planet…
I joined a Brand New Golds Gym opening soon by my house anyone have good luck with any of there programs and etc. the gym opens feb 27th so for now I'm going to finish at planet fitness and than ditch them and start going to Golds.
Hey yall my Weight loss Journey for 2017 is that I'm wanting to lose close to 70 pounds by the end of the year and I'm really going to need all the Motivation and Support I can get to make it happen. I have great support at home as my husband is going be joining me as he's preparing for weight loss surgery himself between…