My Weight Loss Journey for 2017

Hey yall my Weight loss Journey for 2017 is that I'm wanting to lose close to 70 pounds by the end of the year and I'm really going to need all the Motivation and Support I can get to make it happen. I have great support at home as my husband is going be joining me as he's preparing for weight loss surgery himself between the two of us we have a total of at least 170 pounds that we want to lose. I'm trying to do a low carb diet and believe me it's not easy but I'm doing best I can with my food and I'm always looking for new ideas that would be low carb and etc. I'm in the gym 5 days a week for 2.5 hours each day and I know if I keep this up the weight will come off. Please feel free to add me as a friend and I will do my best to comment and etc when I can. Hope to hear from yall soon as we all work towards our 2017 goals that you may have set.


  • Lucy17128
    Lucy17128 Posts: 53 Member
    It is hard, but you can do it! The best part is your husband is joining you on this journey and giving you support. I would like to lose 100 pounds, would be happy with 50-60 in 2017. I struggle with getting support from my family as they scoff at healthy foods, so there are lots of temptations around. So far, In doing fine on my own but would love support from MFP friends
  • kathykrupa297
    kathykrupa297 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I need to lose 40lbs and get to my body before children. I bought me and my husband 5 personal training sessions so we could train together and keep each other motivated. Though he can eat whatever he wants and still lose weight.