I need some friends on this ap and id prefer ones who are active and friendly as well as chatty! I used this for a good while before falling off the wagon. My biggest was 191, my lowest is current at 164. I still have a lot kf weight to lose, so id like some friends to chat with and seek advice and support from in all…
I am a cosmetologist and I have a colour scale that I pretty much never use, so I was thinking about using it to weigh my food when there isn't a label to tell me how much I've had. It measures in ounces or grams, and I think one other measurement. Do you think it would work the same? I don't want to waste money on a scale…
OK hi, I'll start by saying I have never been a runner. Ever. But I have always loved the idea of being able to run and maintain a run for long periods of time in case of things like the zombie apocalypse (jk mostly but my irrational fear of zombies still weighs on my mind since I am slow lol) anyway! I have run on…
I'm 5'1 when I stand up straight, am in this terrible habit of hunching my shoulders like Igor. Very attractive im sure. 26 years. I weigh in at 173 lbs, though I am menstruating so the weight cant be trusted. I normally measure myself. Started two years ago when I was 191 lbs, measurements 43/39/52 Got down to 173lbs…