How much would you be willing to pay for a fresh-prepared, delivered, nutritionally balanced and portioned meal? Under what conditions would you want to order the meal? I am not soliciting or advertising. I am wanting to make a career change at the end of May, and I'm trying to find something I actually want to do that is…
I don't know how many are still active in here, but I figured I'd go ahead and post and see what happens. I believe that reflection/introspection is a vital component to any successful and lasting life change. I have to be aware of the difficulties, and then apply a conscious strategy to minimize or eliminate them. This…
I try to take time and reflect on things that bring me joy. I invite you to share sincere and specific aspects of nutrition and exercise which you find joyful. It could be something surprising, ironic, simple, or profound. Keep 'em short, and try for one per day for a month. Day 1 - I enjoy whole grain bread because I love…