Belly fat
I'm a 36/f. 5'5" 120#.Alwyas been very thin. I carry fat on my stomach. No where else. I'm trying to gain muscle definition and mass. I've been lifting weights for a couple months (more recently started following AWorkoutRoutine). I'm eating a caloric surplus and eating healthy, good foods. I'm starting to see some muscle…
Hammer and Chisel? Any experiences?
Thoughts on this Beach Body workout? Is it good to build muscle? A friend of mine is a Beach Body coach and she mentioned this workout to me and I have to admit I'm a little curious about it. But I don't want to lose muscle I want to gain.
Macro issues
Hello. I'm 36 years old, female, and new to weight lifting. I'm naturally thin and want to add some muscle mass and definition. I'm 5'5 120#. I've used iifym to determine my macros. It's all a little confusing right now as I'm learning. But I tend to fall short on my carbs and go over on the fat almost daily. Any thoughts…