Hey guys ! I would really love to know what are the best glute workouts . I'm very quad dominant & i find it very hard isolating my glutes .
Hello , beginner here
Hey guys , so I workout mornings no later then 11:00am so I usually dnt eat till after my workout . I stop eating around 9pm the night before and wake up hit the gym & then eat .. my goal is to gain as much muscle as possible right now . Even though I would like to loose belly fat also . But idk if working out in that…
Hey guys and girls ... just wondering if Belly fat will eventually go away !!?? I have some bulgy belly fat that just feels like it's here to stayyy !!
Hey guys , just wondering if BCAAs are good to add . If they help muscle growth ?
Hey guys , just wondering if I eat carbs at night is really bad or not ? I'm not trying to loose weight at the moment , I'm actually trying to maintain or gain a little slowly . And I'm trying to put on as much muscle as I can . So idk if eating carbs late will affect my goal ? Should I just eat them in the morning or is…
Hey guys ! I'm just looking for some motivation. Wondering how you guys stay motivated ? I find that I doubt myself a lot . And I start to get discouraged. I really want to reach my goal . But sometimes I just feel like it's impossible
Hello ! New here !