Need advice about how to keep the goal for me 1350 calories per day
If you are working 7 hours per day and have to study for your master too...how can I be focused at the 1350 calories that I have to eat?
Say goodbye to sugar
Let's face it one of the biggest reasons why we gain weight are sugar and fats...let's say goodbye to them and move forward to a healthier and better life
Don't eat after 19:00 evenings
It's important to be focused..if you don't eat after 19:00 in the evenings every single day...the next morning you ll be 0,2 - 0,5 kg lighter...but you must eat 1000-2000 calories the day and you gonna loose weight so fast
Don't take it personal
We have a free community right?everybody can write and think whatever they want without of course offending anybody...everyone should choose the best weight gain or loss for themselves...kisses people and never stop believing in yourself
If you believe
Well believe in yourself...it's the only one who can change for better....
Bye bye 1kg
Yes in only 4 days I lost 1kg and I am drinking water as hell...never stop till you reach your goal...!!!
I can make it
You can make it we all can....I am so excited for a new start and so happy to change my lifestyle