Logging your exercise
Is it smart to not log your exercise? I exercise a lot, this morning I burned 800 calories during cardio and logged it but all my nutrient numbers went up. Wouldn't I lose weight faster if I don't log my exercise and just stick to the recommended nutrients and calories?
Trying to lose weight keep in mind. My macro for carbs each day is 382g. I find this very hard to achieve if I'm eating good carbs, as if I even know what good carbs are?!?!?! Should I be thinking strictly good carbs or eat 8 blow pops.
Hitting your numbers.
Having trouble hitting my numbers. For instance it's 6:30pm and I still have 98g of protein I need to have. Doing this to lose weight. Is it ok to no hit your numbers everyday? I feel like going over the numbers would interrupt the weight loss but going under would be ok?!?!