Back! (Again)
Back after a long time... anything interesting happen in the world over the last 3 years? 🤣 Would love to make some new friends (and reconnect with some old ones) Let's "Do This" together!
Back again!😩
G'day old friends & hopefully new friends... After a couple of years away, I am back on the weight loss journey. Over the time I have been away I managed to dump my healthy lifestyle and whacked on almost 40 kegs 😥 I had recently made an effort to lose weight and dropped a few kilos...then a couple of weeks ago I was…
Back Again...
G'day old friends & hopefully new friends... After a couple of years away, I am back on the weight loss journey. Over the time I have been away I managed to dump my healthy lifestyle and whacked on almost 40 kegs 😥 I had recently made an effort to lose weight and dropped a few kilos...then a couple of weeks ago I was…
Ask an Aussie
You know you have always wanted to ask an Aussie questions... Fire away and I will answer. All questions... Anything goes
"You know you're addicted to________ when_________..."
Just a little fun... "You know you're addicted to________ when_________..." Finish the sentence. i.e. You know you are addicted to the gym when you have to wash all the gym gear you have on Tuesday and you did the last wash on Sunday... Or something similar.... Have fun? ☺️☺️
Big Aussie to Not So Big Aussie
Me at my Biggest - 185.9 Kgs (407.85 Pounds)... probably around 7 years ago....I fluctuated between this weight and around 135 kgs... I was 145.9 Kg's when I started my most recent Journey. This photo was taken with one of the awesome trainers at m gym Last Monday.... I am around 94.5 kgs (208.33 pounds) in this shot. I am…
First time Ever
I am just totally buzzing right now so I thought I would share with everyone! Just completed my first ever 5k run and I ran all the way!!! When I saw the 4k marker I got really emotional (totally unlike me at the moment hahaha) but managed to pull it together before the finish line. This time last year I would have been…
Seeking Motivation and to Motivate!
G'day Would love to have some friends on here to keep motivated and to motivate. I will be logging in and updating more (just got off a 12 month, self inflicted (haha) tech ban so waiting for my smart phone! lol) I promise I will be brutally honest with my diary and will try and log everything I do...I have lost over…
G'day (again)
G'day, Not sure if anybody at all remembers me (it has been a few years!) but if you do add me, if you don't...well...add me :) Used to be "BigAussieGuy". Not so big anymore, recently lost a truckload of weight and am looking for motivation to get those last Kilo's OFF! Photos coming soon. So great to be back! I love to…